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Welcome to my blog! My name is Kim and I write young adult paranormal, mysteries, and thrillers. This blog enables me to share the two things I love: Books and the craft of writing.

Ask the Girl is my debut novel. Murdered in 1925, Kate must seek the help of Lila and her sister to save her from her demon prison.

Book "Ask the Girl" by Kim Bartosch

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Spay and Neuter Awareness Month: DAWGS Book Spotlight

I'm so happy to be a part of DAWGS: A True Story of Lost Animals and the Kids Who Rescued Them by Diane Trull with Meredith Wargo book blog tour sponsored by iRead Book Tours. As everyone may or may not know, I just rescued a sweet mixed breed pup in November 2022 from the Humanaine Society. Plus the cover has a dog that almost looks a lot like my sweet Akria.

Our guest post today is about Spay and Neuter Awareness Month and the benefits of spaying and neutering your dog or cat. Please check out the guest blog below and enter the giveaway.

Thanks to Valentine’s Day, the month of February is usually associated with romance. But it’s also Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. And throughout the month, many veterinarians, spay/neuter clinics, and animal shelters offer special deals on spaying and neutering.

It’s no secret that homeless animals abound in every community—large and small, urban and rural. And for most shelters, the problems and struggles are real and ongoing. There are always too many animals in need of homes and not enough funds to care for the ones that are lucky enough to find temporary sanctuary with a rescue group.

Sadly, thousands of dogs and cats are put to death every day in America’s shelters because there are simply not enough homes for them. Each of these animals is an individual, a life worth saving. Although the number of homeless animals varies by state, most animals euthanized in shelters are the offspring of accidental litters.

So, what is the solution to preventing unwanted births and ensuring that animals don’t have to face a lonely and heartbreaking death?

Spaying and neutering.

It’s simple arithmetic. When intake numbers are reduced, shelters have more resources to create programs that wouldn’t be possible if they were overwhelmed caring for too many animals. Instead of spending their limited funds on euthanasia, they can focus on training and rehabilitating the animals in their care, which greatly improves the animals’ chances of being adopted.

Spaying and neutering also provide numerous health benefits:

  • Medical evidence shows that females spayed before their first heat are typically healthier.

  • Spaying your female pet can help prevent uterine infections, uterine cancer, and breast cancer.

  • Neutering male pets can help prevent testicular cancer and prostate problems.

  • Spayed female dogs live 23% longer than their unspayed counterparts while neutered male dogs live 18% longer than unneutered male dogs.

Make sure everyone knows about Spay/Neuter Awareness Month by sharing information on your social media accounts. Use the hashtag #spayneuterawarenessmonth to spread your message.

Thank you Diane Trull and Meredith Wargo for this wonderful post and how spaying and neutering not only helps with the pet population but also has many health benefits. So, as Bob Barker used to say in The Price is Right, "Please spay and neuter your dog today!"


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