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High-Action Middle-Grade Baseball Tale: EXTRA INNINGS Book Review

My apologies to Rockstar Book Tours, the author, and Peachtree for my late review and post of this fun, high-action middle-grade book, EXTRA INNINGS by Fred Bowen. This book is a must-read for those who love baseball and want to see how to juggle your passion with your responsibilities. Find my full review below and learn how to get this book for the middle-grade baseball player in your life.

Book Banner EXTRA INNINGS by Fred Bowen


My Review


Extra Innings, written by Fred Bowen, is a delightful and fast-paced book that hits a home run with middle-grade readers, even those who may not typically be fans of baseball. Bowen successfully weaves together a compelling narrative that not only captures the excitement of on-field action but also addresses broader themes of responsibility and compromise.

The story revolves around Mike, a passionate pitcher who revels in the thrill of being relied upon by his team for victories. As the stakes rise and his team aims for the league championship, Mike's dedication to baseball becomes a point of concern for his father. The novel skillfully explores the delicate balance between pursuing one's passion and fulfilling responsibilities, a theme that resonates with readers beyond the baseball diamond.

What sets Extra Innings apart is its ability to engage readers, even those with a limited interest in baseball. The book's fun and fast-paced narrative ensures that it doesn't dwell too heavily on the technicalities of the sport, making it accessible and enjoyable for a broader audience. Fred Bowen's writing style is crisp, keeping readers hooked from the first pitch to the final inning.

The characters in Extra Innings are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with their struggles and triumphs. Mike's journey is particularly compelling, and Bowen does an excellent job of portraying his passion for baseball while also addressing the concerns of a parent who wants to see a more balanced development in his child.

One highlight of the book is the inclusion of "The Real Story" segments, such as the account of Harvey Haddix's perfect game loss in 1959. These historical insights add an extra layer of depth to the narrative, providing a fascinating glimpse into baseball's rich history. Fans of the sport will appreciate these additional nuggets of information.

In conclusion, Extra Innings is a well-crafted and engaging read for middle-grade audiences. Fred Bowen's storytelling prowess shines through, making this book not just for baseball enthusiasts but for anyone who enjoys a good tale of determination, compromise, and the thrill of the game. Whether you're a die-hard baseball fan or a reluctant reader, Extra Innings is sure to hit the sweet spot.


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